Tuesday 10 September 2024

Busy Linus day!

 Today has been a busy and enjoyable one.  Firstly, Amanda came over from Jay Fostering in Leicester to collect quilts for their looked after children.  She said that the children love the quilts, and all the staff look forward to a new delivery!  Paula and I were hoping she had time for a cuppa, but unfortunately there was an emergency she had to sort out, so we just had a cuppa the two of us! 

Then this afternoon we went over to Burbage to the Hinckley U3A Craft Group to do some sewing.  We do a session with the members of this group every year, and really look forward to it. 

Here they are all hard at work, getting to grips with Heat and Bond. 

I took my iron, but the group has an iron of their own, so it meant the work went faster. 

 Here are the finished blocks.  Don’t they look great?  One lady said it wasn’t at all what she had thought it would be.  ‘What did you think it was going to be?’ I asked.  ‘Well, quilting, sewing, just boring.  But this has been fun.’  That must be praise indeed! 

Sunday 8 September 2024

Lovely time

 Today Paula and I went over to the Leicestershire Craft Centre in Market Harborough, as Katherine had offered to host a Linus sewing day.  The centre is amazing and so well kitted out with equipment, and Katherine was generous with her advice, supplies and cake!  She had sorted out various orphans, fabric pieces and wadding offcuts, and the eight of us had a great time! 

Here she is in front of mountains of orphans and kits.  She demonstrates on Sewing Street so has lots of demo blocks. 

We all had plenty of room to sew. 

Her premises are very well set out and light and airy. 

Here is one of the tops made from unwanted blocks and suitable borders. 

Another set of blocks which were waiting to become a quilt.


‘Simple’ squares looking good.  
There were other tops, some of which were layered up, which was excellent!  A very productive and enjoyable time was had by all.  Thank you so much Katherine for arranging this - and we look forward to next time! 

Wednesday 31 July 2024

The bad news and the good news.

 I had a call last week from Rosie, who works for the Diana Service for Children with Life-limiting Conditions, asking for quilts.  She especially wanted larger quilts, as they are more versatile.  As it happens, Vicki and Ann’s quilting class had just donated two larger quilts, so I gathered them, and some other larger quilts and set off to Tescos in Wigston.  (Linus coordinators get to go to the most exotic places!)

The good news is that Rosie will be retiring next year, and become a lady of leisure like me!  The bad news is that Rosie is retiring next year, so I won’t be meeting up with her again.  After 17 years, it’s a blow.  However, we all thank her for going out of her way to give extra hugs for her patients, and wish her well for the future. 

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Another trip to the LRI

 Ward 27 of the LRI needed more quilts.  That is great, although I wasn’t particularly looking forward to the car parking queue again!  This time Jane came along (she drove as she gets car sick when other people drive!).  We decided to set off after the rush hour, but hopefully before the queue builds up, and it worked!  We left at 9am and only had just under 20 minutes in the queue - we managed to have a nice chat so we didn’t mind! 

Here we all are with some of the 50 quilts we took.  It was Jane’s first delivery experience, and she was very touched by how appreciative the staff were, and we even got lovely comments from people in the lift!  A satisfactory couple of hours all round.  

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Generous people

 I am so lucky to know so many generous people!  Elaine was having a clear out.  She doesn’t do as much quilting as she used to, so decided to make more space in her spare room by destashing.  She could have easily sold most of it, as it’s mainly yardage, but instead she has given it to Project Linus! 

This is only some of it!  (The pile was too big and toppled over! ) This will be great backings for lots and lots of quilts. Along with this there was a beautiful quilt top, several sets of blocks, other fabric pieces, strips and scraps. Thank you so much, Elaine!  I can assure you that none of it will go to waste! 

And then Julie was browsing on the web and saw this fabulous hospital fabric at a very good price, so bought it for Linus!  I love turquoise fabrics as they are gender neutral, so it’s a win all round!  Thank you so much Julie - you are a star! 

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

 I had a call from the PICU last week asking for quilts.  That was easy, although I said it would be a week or so before I could get to the LRI as we were going away for a few days.  Julie and I braved the car park queue this morning and had a lovely welcome in Ward 12. 

Here is Julie, in the middle, with some of the staff.  The quilts were much admired, and one nurse said, “Have you made all these quilts since I rang you last week?”  I know I’m quite speedy, but not as quick as that!  I explained that lots of talented people make the quilts, not just me.  Although it took Julie and I 50 minutes in the car park queue it was all worth it! 

Saturday 4 May 2024

Hinckley Tangent Club

 Last week I was invited to a meeting of the Hinckley Tangent Club to talk about Project Linus. I had never heard of the club, but luckily, they didn’t know about Linus either, so I felt we were even!  They are a lovely group of ladies who have previously belonged to the Ladies Circle, the female equivalent of the Rotary Club. Their aims are friendship and service, and apart from having fun, support charitable causes.  Their nominated charity for this year is Project Linus!  Lucky us! 

As usual, I took lots of quilts to show them, and they were very impressed at the imagination and skill of our group members. Thank you Caroline for inviting me, and I look forward to meeting you all again soon.