Wednesday 15 May 2024

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

 I had a call from the PICU last week asking for quilts.  That was easy, although I said it would be a week or so before I could get to the LRI as we were going away for a few days.  Julie and I braved the car park queue this morning and had a lovely welcome in Ward 12. 

Here is Julie, in the middle, with some of the staff.  The quilts were much admired, and one nurse said, “Have you made all these quilts since I rang you last week?”  I know I’m quite speedy, but not as quick as that!  I explained that lots of talented people make the quilts, not just me.  Although it took Julie and I 50 minutes in the car park queue it was all worth it! 

Saturday 4 May 2024

Hinckley Tangent Club

 Last week I was invited to a meeting of the Hinckley Tangent Club to talk about Project Linus. I had never heard of the club, but luckily, they didn’t know about Linus either, so I felt we were even!  They are a lovely group of ladies who have previously belonged to the Ladies Circle, the female equivalent of the Rotary Club. Their aims are friendship and service, and apart from having fun, support charitable causes.  Their nominated charity for this year is Project Linus!  Lucky us! 

As usual, I took lots of quilts to show them, and they were very impressed at the imagination and skill of our group members. Thank you Caroline for inviting me, and I look forward to meeting you all again soon.