Tuesday 4 July 2023

Fun at the Leicester Royal Infirmary

 As local residents will know, getting into the car park at the LRI is always a stressful experience.  Today was no exception.  We queued all the way along Havelock Street for nearly half an hour before we got to park the car.  Luckily I quickly found a cage and loaded 60 quilts into it, ready to take up to Ward 10.  Pip and all the staff were delighted to see me, and unusually, lots of them were willing to appear in the picture. 

Pip is in the middle, peeping over the top of a quilt.  She’s such a diva - in the first photo she had her eyes closed, so we had to take another!  Faye, who took the photo, made us all say ‘blankets’ instead of cheese.  

Then things went awry.  I decided to take the stairs down rather than the lift, and when I reached the ground floor, I was a bit disorientated and got lost!  When I reached the car park pay machine, it was on the blink and so I had to ring for help.  Annoying.  Then when I reached the barrier I had to ring for help again!  Doubly annoying!  Never mind, that is 60 children who will get a lovely surprise.  All worth it! 

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