This week I managed to make a delivery of 35 quilts to ADAPT, the charity working with premature babies and their families. Sue Williams came over and took a large pile of quilts away with her. (Actually, 35 isn't as big a pile as you'd think, as lots were the small prem quilts and cot quilts, so not too big!) Sue was delighted, and said they would soon be finding new homes. She was as good as her word, and has sent me these photos of small ones enjoying their quilts!

This little one has chosen the quilt which was made by Caitlin, our youngest Linus quilter, at only 7 years old!

This youngster is delighted to have this cute cot quilt with farm animals on it.
And here is (possibly) a future textile artist, busy examining the quilt's construction!
I was so glad to see these quilts going out and giving hugs, as this year has been another bumper year for Project Linus in Leicestershire. So far, I have received 299 quilts! Is there anyone who has a quilt which can bring the count up to 300? Hoping so!