Saturday 20 April 2024

Fun in the LRI car park queue

 Things haven’t been quiet on the Linus front, the quilts have been coming in steadily, but since a lot went to give their hugs at the beginning of the year (and my having a holiday) there haven’t been any deliveries.  But now there are plenty of quilts in the cupboard, it was time to contact Pip, from Ward 10 of the LRI to spread some love!  Paula and I were prepared for a queue for the car park, but didn’t realise it would take us 45 minutes to reach the barrier!  If one of us had had an appointment, we could have got out of the car and walked in, but with 50 quilts, it wasn’t possible!  Still, it was all worth it to deliver the quilts. 

Pip and Chantal were delighted to receive the quilts, and we were delighted to go home and get a cup of coffee! 

Thursday 18 January 2024

2024 off to a standing start!

 The final total for 2023 was 442 quilts donated in Leicestershire!  That is actually three more than last year - I love a record breaker!  Thank you to everyone who made quilts or donated fabric etc.  So many generous people come together to make the world a better place! 

So now to 2024.  I had quite a pile of small quilts which are needed by ADAPT, a charity based in Hinckley which works with prem babies and their families, so I went over to their headquarters to deliver them. There were actually 59 quilts in these bags, but some of them were only about 18” so didn’t take up much room! 

Sue was very grateful for the quilts, which are very popular.  She chose one with cute designs on it.

It’s a great way to kick off 2024!